Time-Locked Privileged Functions

The MarsDoge contract contains the following privileged functions that are restricted by the ‘onlyOwner’ modifier. These functions can only be proposed by a multi-sig wallet with a 3/5 threshold via a Timelock contract with 48-hour latency (after pre-sale).

function disableAllFees()

This function will be used to disable all fees during the Pre-sale stage.

function enableAllFees()

This function will be used to enable all fees after finalizing the Pre-sale.

function excludeFromFee(address account)

This function will be used to exclude specific accounts from the Fees according to the owner’s requirements.

function excludeFromReward(address account)

This function will be used to exclude specific accounts from the Rewards according to the owner’s requirements.

function includeInFee(address account)

This function can be used to include specific accounts in fees that have already been excluded.

function includeInReward(address account)

This function can be used to include specific accounts in Rewards, which have already been excluded.

function migrateLeftoverBnb(address payable recipient, uint256 amount)

This function will be used to migrate BNB collected in the Contract from swapAndLiquify or if someone sends BNB directly to the Contract. The swapAndLiquify function converts half of the contractTokenBalance tokens to BNB. For every swapAndLiquify function call, a small amount of BNB remains in the Contract. According to public consent, this amount will be migrated using the owner’s Multi-Sig wallet via Timelock contract and used for charity purposes.

function setDevelopmentWallet(address newWallet)

This function can be used to change the development wallet according to the owner’s requirements.

function setMaxTxAmount(uint256 newAmount)

This function will be used to change the maximum transaction amount. Adjusting of ‘maxTxAmount’ will be required for transfers during the Pre-sale stage and while adding liquidity on exchanges. Developers will set the maximum transaction amount to 1,000,000 MarsDoge after the process mentioned above. The minimum adjustable amount is limited to one million, avoiding misuse of the function.

function setNumTokensSellToAddToLiquidity(uint256 newAmount)

This function can be used to update the amount for ‘numTokensSellToAddToLiquidity’ according to the owner's requirements. The maximum adjustable amount is limited to one million.

function setRouterAddress(address newRouter)

This function can be used to update the Router address if Pancakeswap upgrades to a newer version.

function setSwapAndLiquifyEnabled(bool _enabled)

This function will be used to enable Swap and Liquify after the finalization of the Pre-sale.

function stopAutoBurn()

This function can be used to change the auto burn fee to zero percentage upon a certain amount of tokens are burned (Only upon a solid demand from the community and after calling a public poll on social media platforms).

Last updated